How to Use ChatGPT: a simple guide with examples.

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How to Use ChatGPT

If you’re wondering how artificial intelligence can assist you with your daily marketing tasks, this article is a simple guide on how to use ChatGPT for multiple purposes. Chatbots, in particular, have emerged as invaluable tools for businesses and individuals, streamlining customer service, providing information, and optimising tasks that were once repetitive and time-consuming. Considering a mindset where quality of life matters, learning how new technologies can help you save time and prioritise activities is priceless.

To understand what artificial intelligence is, it is necessary to distinguish between AI generative and AI degenerative. Gen AI, as it is known, can be understood as the ‘creative’ one. It uses deep learning to generate new content based on the data it’s trained on. Predictive AI, also known as predictive analytics, uses historical and current data to identify patterns and make inferences based on that information. It relies on statistical algorithms and machine learning (the foundation for both predictive AI and gen AI).

While gen AI uses ML models to create content, predictive AI uses ML to identify early warning signs and determine future outcomes. So, you can say that Gen AI creates content, code, music, and marketing material, and translate data into different formats. On the other hand, Predictive AI makes predictions, recommendations, and decisions using various AI and machine learning (ML) techniques.

Understanding ChatGPT

CHAT GPT (Generative Pre-Trained Transformer) is a sibling model to InstructGPT, which is trained to follow instructions in a prompt, providing a detailed response. It was developed by an AI research company, Open AI, and, launched in November 2022.  As a Chatbot technology, processes our natural human language and generates contextually relevant responses based on the input it receives, making it adept at carrying out conversations on a wide range of topics.

Compared to Google, ChatGPT is less information-rich and doesn’t provide links or read them. Moreover, it’s updated only until 2021, limiting its access to the latest information. Each query must be articulated clearly with words, as ChatGPT relies solely on textual input to generate responses. While it may not match Google’s breadth of information, ChatGPT excels in generating contextually relevant responses tailored to the input it receives, making it a valuable tool for various tasks and interactions.

How to useChatGPT

Utilising ChatGPT is straightforward, but, to receive the right answer is necessary to ask the right question. That is why producing the right prompt and personalise the interaction is the key to success. OpenAI makers have not launched the app version of it yet. Hence, you would have to sign up on to use it. Confirm your account, and you are ready to go. The free version is ChatGPT-3.5, and it is good enough for your everyday tasks.

With ChatGPT, you’re not just accessing a tool; you’re delving into the realm of artificial intelligence, where the possibilities are endless. From generating creative content to providing insightful recommendations, ChatGPT opens doors to new ways of thinking and problem-solving. Whether you’re a marketer seeking inspiration, or a professional looking to streamline workflows, ChatGPT has something to offer for everyone.

Moreover, the simplicity of ChatGPT’s interface makes it accessible to users of all backgrounds and expertise levels. You don’t need to be a tech-savvy individual to leverage its capabilities effectively. By following a few simple steps and crafting clear prompts, you can harness the power of AI to enhance your daily life and accomplish tasks with ease.

In a dynamically shifting digital terrain, staying informed and adaptable is crucial. Embracing AI technologies like ChatGPT empowers you to stay ahead of the curve and leverage cutting-edge tools to your advantage. So why not take the plunge and explore the possibilities that ChatGPT has to offer? With a little creativity and curiosity, you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve with this powerful AI assistant by your side. 

Effective prompts for ChatGPT

Let’s say you’re organising your Monthly Calendar but find yourself low on creativity or overwhelmed with tasks. Suppose you’re a Social Media Specialist for a real estate company and need to post tips for followers buying your first house. 

You could prompt: “Can you give me 30 tips for first-time homebuyers in Ireland, considering current factors?”

Alternatively, imagine you’re working for a marketing agency, and your client is L’Oréal Paris. You’re tasked with creating a presentation for an Influencer Collaboration. 

Your prompt might be: “Propose an influencer campaign to boost brand awareness and sales for a skincare line targeting millennials.”

Even as a prolific copywriter with abundant ideas, you may need to condense your blog post to 800 characters. 

Chat GPT can assist with the command: “Can you condense my article to 800 characters while keeping the key points intact?” 

If you’re not satisfied, just give another prompt for a different approach. According to Hubspot Academy, 55% of marketers find that “experimenting with different prompts to see what works best for your specific use case” is the most effective strategy for prompting Generative AI. You can find out more here 70 AI Prompt Examples for Marketers to Use in 2024 

Experience the rapid response of Chat GPT. If unsatisfied, you can rephrase and retry. And, remember, as it is a creative technology, always check the information. You can also facilitate the process if you give references to help the AI to understand better the context and the tone you are looking for.

2024 AI Marketing Compliance: Key Considerations

In the dynamic world of marketing, the year 2024 has witnessed a pivotal shift towards increased regulation of artificial intelligence (AI). As a marketer navigating this landscape, it’s essential to stay informed about the latest developments in AI regulations. These regulations are designed to uphold privacy standards, promote transparency, and ensure ethical practices in AI-driven marketing initiatives. 

The EU Parliament adopted the Artificial Intelligence Act in March 2024. This milestone legislation is set to be fully applicable 24 months after entry into force, with certain provisions taking effect sooner. For more details on its implications and timeline, click here EU AI Act: first regulation on artificial intelligence.

By adhering to these regulations, marketers can build trust with consumers and mitigate potential risks associated with data privacy and algorithmic bias. Collaborating with legal experts and staying updated on emerging regulatory frameworks will be essential to navigate this evolving landscape effectively. As AI continues to revolutionise the marketing industry, compliance with regulations will be a cornerstone of successful and ethical marketing practices in 2024 and beyond.

Are there any other ChatGPT prompts that you would like to know? Share your favourite ChatGPT prompts or ask for new ideas in the comments below!


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